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Scouting In Rhodesia

rhodesian scouts hiking

From the day a Cub Scout joins the movement at the age of eight, a nine-year planned programme of enjoyable and progressive training awaits him.
Up to the age of eleven, when he leaves the Pack to join the Scout Troop, it is phased in three stages, designed to kindle and develop interest in such subjects as handicrafts, swimming, hobbies, hygiene and simple service to others. In addition there are proficiency badges to encourage interest in a wide range of skills and pursuits.
Scouts, from age 11 to 17, also have several levels of progressive training. The first two concern themselves primarily with the basic skills of Scouting — camping, cooking and exploring — and a broad range of interests and pursuits. Then follows the Chief Scout's Award which puts a Scout on his mettle and makes him prove his worth by extending his qualities of responsibility and leadership. As with Cub Scouts, there is a proficiency badge scheme catering for an even wider choice of interests.

Rhodesia scouts blind mans trail rhodesian scouts camping in africa Rhodesia scouts scubs diving
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