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Rhodesian Scout Badges 1979

Rhodesian Scout membership card Rhodesian Scout syllabus Rhodesian Scout syllabus
(From. “Good Scouting”, pages 75 to 88)

Rhodesian Scout Badge


1. Knowledge of the Scout Movement. Show a general knowledge of the Scout Movement and the development of world—wide Scouting.
2. Outdoor Activity. Take part in a Patrol or Troop activity out—of—doors.
3. Scout Promise and Law. Understand and accept the Scout Promise and the Scout Law.

Rhodesian Scout Link Badge

1. Gain the Scout Badge.
2. Draw from memory, in colour, the Rhodesian Flag, know the history of the coat of arms.
3. Prepare, hoist, break, fly and lower a flag.
4. Tie the following knots and demonstrate their uses: reef, slip—reef, bowline, clove hitch, round turn and two half—hitches, sheet bend.
5. Whip the end of a rope.
6. (i) Know the need for summoning adult help in accident, and
(ii) Show how to clean and dress a simple wound, using bandage or plaster.
7. Use a simple compass and show a knowledge of the eight principal points.
8. Have shown in practice that the Scout Law and Promise are fully understood.

Rhodesian Scout Standard Badge

1. First Aid.
a. Show the importance of summoning adult help in an accident and of protecting the injured person from further injury, without moving him if possible. Know the dangers to be guarded against when it is essential to move an Injured person.
b. Demonstrate how to summon help by written message and by telephone.
a. Know the symptoms for both nervous shock and true (surgical) shock. Know the Importance of maintaining an open airway and demonstrate first aid treatment for each type of shock.
d. Demonstrate the use of a triangular bandage (or scarf)
(i) As a cover bandage for the shoulder, elbow, hand, knee and foot.
(ii) As an arm sling.
e. Demonstrate how to control bleeding by direct pressure and how to maintain control with a pad and bandage.
f. Demonstrate how to make an open airway. Demonstrate on a training manikin how to apply inspired air (mouth to nose, and mouth to mouth) artificial respiration to a person who has: (i) stopped breathing, (ii) is breathing with difficulty.
g. Demonstrate how to treat burns and scalds.
h. Demonstrate how to avoid sunburn and how to treat it.
i. Know the main steps to take in the treatment of snake bite.
j. Demonstrate how to treat a person who has fainted.

2. Health.
a. Know the general rules of health as given in Camp Fire Yarn No. 18 of “Scouting for Boys” with particular regard to fresh air and correct breathing.
b. Show a sound knowledge of camp hygiene as applied to cleanliness of site, tents and personnel; storage of foods, siting of camp and its layout, erection and care of latrines; bed making.
c. Know the dangers of bilharzia and how to avoid contacting it.
d. Know tie dangers of contacting malaria in certain areas, what precautions should be taken before camping in a possible Maleria area, and points to be born in mind in selecting camp sites in potential malaria areas.

3. Observation.
either a. Follow a trail of about 0.5 mile incorporating Scout signs in various forms, in half an hour.
or b. Kim’s game. Write down 16 out of 24 well assorted articles in three minutes, after one minute’s observation. Must succeed twice out of three successive attempts, with different sets of objects.

4. Training for public service.
either a. Send and receive a simple message in semaphore or morse. or b. Conservation. Understand the dangers of soil erosion and how it is caused. Demonstrate by any one means the effects of water erosion and how this can be combated by the presence of grass. Know the value of trees in preventing soil erosion.

5. Pioneering. Demonstrate:
a. Square and diagonal lashings.
b. Sail—maker’s whipping.
c. Rolling hitch, fireman’s chair knot, highwayman's hitch, timber hitch, fisherman’s knot, bowline on a bight.

6. Scouting skills.
a. Explain how to use and care for a knife, and hand axe. Use a knife to whittle a tent peg (or other object) from a piece of wood, and an axe to prepare wood for a fire.
b. either Make a bivouac (reasonably water proof)
or Pitch a hike tent and know how to fold and pack it properly.
c. Lay and light a fire, with natural materials.
d. On the fire, cook a simple meal consisting of meat and at least one vegetable, and a hot drink.
e. Choose the items and pack a rucksack for a week’s camp.

7. Compass and maps.
a. Know the 16 points of the compass, and their bearings.
b. Follow a simple compass trail of 6 to 8 directions.
c. Set a map (taking magnetic variation into account) and read its main features.

8. Hobbies and interests.
Show some proficiency or skill in a hobby or interest; example: cycling, nature study, weather lore, aircraft recognition, stars, horse riding, model making, basket work, stamp collecting, literature, drawing, decorating, radio construction, joinery, etc.

9. Camping.
Spend a minimum of three nights, not necessarily consecutive, in a Scout Camp.

10. Swimming.
Swim 50 yards, any style.

11. Plan and carry out with two other companions, a six—mile hike over interesting, and unfamiliar country. The route chosen must be approved by the Scouter, and on his return, the Scout should make a satisfactory verbal report on his hike, including the subjects he had chosen for study along the route. His companions may also take the test, provided they take an equal share in the planning of the route and choose a different subject to study.

12. Law and Promise. Show through a discussion with his Scout Leader that understanding of Law and Promise is progressing according to age.

Rhodesian Advanced Scout Standard Badge

1. Self Reliance.
a. Have camped at least twelve nights in a Scout Camp.
b. Swim 100 yards, any style.
c. Understand the precautions which must be taken before undertaking adventurous activities e.g. sailing, hill walking, climbing, danger of bush and veld fires, water purification, rules to be observed when crossing tribal trust land, etc.
d. Complete any two of the following:
(i) Either Be able to operate and maintain a pressure stove. or Make a simple lamp using paraffin or fat as fuel. (ii) Know what to look for when choosing a camp site, and draw up a complete menu, including quantities, for a two-man weekend camp.
(iii) Cook a two—course meal for two people in a kitchen or galley and serve it cleanly at a properly laid table.

2. Service.
a. Emergencies. Show how to give clear, concise information when calling for the police, fire brigade or ambulance; and know what action to take in the event of an accident or emergency, including rescue from fire, drowning, electric shock.
b. First Aid. Know how to deal with snake, scorpion and spider bites; treatment of poisons; alternative methods of artificial respiration when mouth to mouth is not possible; demonstrate how to immobilize a fractured limb and understand the importance of this.
c. Carry out some form of voluntary service, either inside or outside the Movement, either by doing a worthwhile job of at least three hours’ duration, or by performing service for an equivalent period.

3. Adventure.
a. Complete either a 14 mile journey on foot or by water, or a 50 mile cycle journey on a route set by the Scouter, camping out overnight with two other Scouts of his own age, and produce a proper log of the journey, including strip map, sketches, photographs and reports on one or two assignments set by the scouter. The map and the log should be handed in for judging as soon as the journey has been completed. The idea of the test is to see what can be produced en route, and not in comfort at home. Photographs may be handed in up to two weeks later.
b. Use a prismatic or Silva type compass outdoors to complete a simple exercise involving compass bearings.
c. Explain the contour system, understand how a scale on a map is arrived at, and be able to locate a specific point on a map by means of grid references.
d. Complete any two of the following:
(i) Take part with your own Patrol or Troop in a joint outdoor activity with a Patrol from another Troop, e.g. camp, hike, wide game or expedition.
(ii) Go alone or with a friend of your own age either to a place of interest, or on a journey of not less than 25 miles, using public transport. Give a brief verbal report of the day’s events.
(iii) Either paddle a single—seat canoe for one mile or crew a dingy round a triangular course, or understand the belay system and abseil properly down 30 feet.

4. Scoutcraft.
a. Complete a pioneering project using at least two different lashings and/or blocks and tackle. (This should normally be a Patrol project, in which all taking the test must play an equal part. Two taking the test and the rest of the Patrol acting as helpers, is best).
b. Demonstrate three knots, bends or hitches useful in rescue.
c. Cook a backwoods meal and eat it and make a bivouac and sleep in it.
d. Know the safety rules of axemanship, and how to care for a bush saw and felling axe or make an African type axe. Use any of these tools for felling, trimming or logging—up timber (5 inch bole if possible).
e. Complete any two of the following sections:
(i) either Keep a nature diary about birds, animals, butterflies
or insects for at least one month.
or make a specimen collection of leaves and flowers.
(ii) either Keep a simple daily weather record for one month or Maintain the Patrol Log for two months.
(iii) either Visit an important building or other local feature and compile a short report about it, describing its history and purpose.
or survey a small area in the vicinity of your home, such as half a mile of river, area being laid out as a township or a dangerous traffic intersection, and construct a large—scale plan showing it important features.
(iv) Show attainnent of a skill, or interest by passing Pursuit badge.
(v) Using improvised apparatus, such as Scout staff, estimate three distances not more than half a mile, and three heights not more than 100 feet. In each case the estimate to be within 10% error above or below the actual.
(vi) Read the meaning of a series of simple tracks made in sandy or other suitable ground. These should include running, limping, carrying a weight, walking back and blind gait.
(vii) Send and recaive a message of at least 30 words either by flag (semaphore or morse) over a distance of 400 yards or by key to a person out of sight and sound, at reasonable rate and using correct procedure.
f. Discuss with your Scout Leader:
(1) Your understanding of the Scout Law and Promise.
(ii) Your future Scout training.

Rhodesian Chief Scout Award Badge    Rhodesian Chief Scout Award certificate

To qualify for the Award, the Scout must hold the Advanced Scout Standard, and must qualify in each of the three sections.
1. Achievement.
Accomplish any four of the following skills not already attained in your Scout progress. Your choice must include skills from not less than three of the four Groups (A.B.C.D.) below.

Group A. — Challenge.
a. Either paddle a single seat canoe in moving water over at least 2 miles, or sail a dingy, go about, reach and tack, rig sails, and stow properly after use.
b. Either climb a nountain of 2000 feet (from starting point to top of climb) or negotiate successfully a rock climb on rope, but not as leader (Grade very difficult).
c. Complete a course of at least 0.25 mile on water—skis.
d. Flying a two seater glider, demonstrate to an accompanying instructor the use of spoilers or air brakes, and be able to plan your own circuits.
e. In an isolotod spot, where wild although not necessarily dangerous animals are known to be present, make a tree platform with another Scout (who may also take the test) and spend a complete night in it, without getting down before full daylight.
f. Do a deadman’s crawl across a rope at least 30 feet long suspended at least 15 feet from the ground.
g. Climb a straight tree or pole at least 20 feet high, using a sling and telegrips if desired, and tie on and reeve a light pulley at the top (or lop off a light branch with a handaxe).

Group B — Practical.
Change a wheel on a motor vehicle, check and clean sparking plugs, adjust points, check the battery, oil and tyres, and know the greasing points.
b. Help to build, maintain and tune a go—kart, and be able to drive it.
c. Either build a radio receiver — without using a kit although you may consult circuit diagrams in magazines or books.
Or keep a log of amateur radio broadcasts to which you have listened on a radio receiver over a period of at least three months.
d. Have a good practica1 knowledge of one of the following:
care and maintenance of domestic appliances, carpentry and joinery, metalwork, home decorating and maintenance.
e. Take, develop and print three photographs, each being of a different type of subject, e.g. portrait, action shot, landscape, building, shot from an unusual angle.
f. Make a fishtrap entirely from natural materials and catch a fish in it.
g. Make a waterproof pot of natural clay and boil a quart of water in it.
h. Make a bow and arrow of natural materials and hit an object the size of a pigeon 20 feet away, twice in six tries.
i. Make a model aircraft, not using a kit, which will fly, or a rocket which will take off at least 50 feet.
j. Thatch properly the roof of a building with a floor area of at least 64 square feet.

Group C — Endeavour.
a. Make a survival kit of dehydrated foods and survive on it exclusively during a 24 hour expedition.
b. Make a successful attempt at an entirely new outdoor sport or other outdoor interest, e.g. archery, pony—trekking, caving, aqua—sports, fishing, tennis, golf, archaelogy, geology, forestry, conservation.
c. Complete either a hike—camp, canoe or boat journey of not less than 30 miles, or a cycle tour of not less than 100 miles, taking at least two days and camping overnight at a site of your own choice. You may not sleep indoors. Or a night hike of not less than 10 miles between dusk and dawn, over open country, of which at least two miles must be crossed with the aid of a conpass.
d. Be proficient in the technique of “drown—proofing”.
e. Be proficient in one of the following: gymnastics, judo, tumbling, trampolining or similar activity.

Group D — Social
a. Help to organise and run a joint training or social activity for both sexes.
b. Prepare, cook and serve a full three—course dinner for four people, at a high standard, either indoors or outdoors.
c. Spend a week in a Scout camp outside Rhodesia, or your own Province, or act as host, playing a useful part, to a group of Scouts from another country. In the latter case the whole preriod need not be spent in camp, provided you entertain the visiting Scouts, see that they are properly accomodated, show them your town and surrounding area, and generally make their stay a pleasant and typically Scouting one.
d. Successfully complete some form of residential training course, other than a Patrol Leaders’ Training Course. Your choice is not restricted to courses organised by the Scout Movement.
e. Take an active part in some form of amateur entertainment, e.g. beat group, amateur theatricals, choral singing, conjuring, making of a short film, etc.

2. Leadership.
a. Either complete satisfactorily a course of Patrol Leader training, and guide at least one Scout in your Patrol through the requirements for the Scout Standard. Show that all members of your Patrol are making individual progress. Or train at least two Scouts to Advanced Scout Standard in two activities, e.g. backwoodinanship, compass, cooking, emergencies, pioneering.
b. Show leadership ability in one of the following:
— Run a Patrol camp at a good standard;
— Plan and run successfully a Patrol expedition or other activity;
— Help to plan and run successfully a worthwhile Troop expedition or other activity.
- Train and lead a team to act as “casualties” for use in first aid training, including the use of make—up for simulation of injuries end symptoms.

3. Responsibility.
a. Arrange and carry out, either individually or as a member of the Troop, some form of service useful to others either within or outside the Movement, e.g. useful service to handicapped, invalid or infirm person, assistance with some form of’ public service such as hospital, clinic, welfare home, Red Cross, St. John’s. (A suitable project would require voluntary service over a period of at least three months.)
— b. Gain a Public Service Badge and one Pursuit Badge since attaining Advanced Scout Standard, or qualification of on equivalent standard from an approved body or society.
c. Show your acceptance of responsibility at home, at Church and in the Troop, and at school or your place of work.


1. Emergency Training.
Reach a reasonable standard in first aid and emergency training as follows:
la. Gain the Scout Ambulance badge.
or b. Gain the Basic Certificate of the St. John Ambulance Association or the Junior Certificate of the British Red Cross Society.
or e. Gain the—Scout Lifesaver Badge or gain the Advanced Safety Award of the Royal Life Saving Society or of the South African Life Saving Association.

2. Service.
Undertake some form of regular service within or outside the Movement over a period of at least six months, the form of service undertaken must have prior approval of the Provincial Scout Comeissioner who, at his discretion,’may' approve broken service rather than continuous service, or a shorter period of concentrated service. Consideration should be given to the need for the Scout to render service as a Scout and not merely for the purpose of gaining a badge.

3. Endeavour.
Either a. Hold the Scout Athlete Badge (over l5.5 years group).
or b. Play a sport regularly and qualify in two items from the following:
(1) Running. 400 metres in 62 sec., or 1500 metres in 5 mm. 35 sec., or 10 000 metres in 75 mins.
(ii) Sailing. 5000 metres in 1 hour, or 13 000 metres in 3 hours.
(iii) Cycling. 80 kilometres in 3.75 hours, or 160 kilometres in 7.5 hours.
(iv) Swimming. 1000 metres in 27.5 minutes.
(v) Sculling. 1200 metres in 6.5 minutes.
vi) Walking. 6,5 kilometres in 50 minutes.
vii) Perform the following:
— Climb a tree to a height of 9 metres above ground.
— Throw an 18 metre line to fall between two pegs metres apart at a distance of 15 metres, four times out of six.
- Climb a rope to a height of 4,5 metres above the ground.
— Carry out a deadman’s crawl for 6 metres at a height of 3 metres above the ground.

4. Achievement.
Gain any one of the following badges: Astronomer forester, jobman, mountaineer, meteorologist, observer, pioneer, Coxwain, master airman.

5. Expedition.
Take a responsible part in an expedition without necessarily being the leader. The expedition to last not less than four days, or under exceptional circumstances over two weekends, and should be of not less than three Scouts. The expedition may be on foot, by cycle, on horseback, or by the distance covered by foot shall be at least 80 kiomotres and the terrain should be mainly difficult. The distance covered by cycle, horseback or boat should be comparable in difficulty. The expedition to be based on a suitable project or projects selected by the Scout and approved by the examiner, A written report must be submitted to the examiner within a reasonable time.

6. Community responsibility.
Demonstrate his understanding and execution of duty to God.

7. Award.
The Venturer Award is made by the Provincial Scout Commissioner on the recommendation of the District Scout Commissioner and the Scout Leader.

Rhodesian Sable Scout Award Badge     Rhodesian Sable Scout Award certificate
SABLE AWARD. (Highest Progress test for Scouts, same as the Queen Scout Award or Eagle Scout?)

1. Leadership.
Pass a test based on a series of incidents which involve the Scout in unusual decisions and problems. The standard of this test should be such that a pass from an Outward Bound Course would exempt the Scout from the test. The purpose of the incidents is to test leadership — actual achievement being a secondary consideration.

2. Emergency Training.
Either a. Qualify for the Adult Certificate of the St. John Arabulance Association or the British Red Cross Society.
or b. Qualify for the Bronze Medallion of the Royal Life Saving Society or the South African Life Saving Association.

3. Service.
Undertake some form of regular service within or outside the Movement over a period of at least six months, the form of service undertaken must have prior approval of the Provincial Scout Comeissioner who, at his discretion,’may' approve broken service rather than continuous service, or a shorter period of concentrated service. Consideration should be given to the need for the Scout to render service as a Scout and not merely for the purpose of gaining a badge.

4. Achievement.
a. Gain an Instructor badge.
b. Gain any one of the following badges: astronomer, forester, jobman, mountaineer, meteorologist, observer, pioneer, coxwain, master airman.
5. Expedition.
Test as for Venturer Award except that the Scout must organise and lead the expedition.
However the aspect of leadership may, with the approval of the Provincial Scout Commissioner, be fulfilled in some other field, for example: being responsible for the organisation of the Junior Regetta held under the auspices of a recognised sailing club.

6. Community responsibility.
a. Demonstrate his understanding and execution of his duty to God.
b. Undergo a scheme of training based on a syllabus of lectures, demonstrations and visits made in respect of his responsibility to the society in which he lives. This syllabus to contain subjects such as law and order, drug and sex problems, respect of public property, etc.

7. Award.
The District Scout Commissioner should interview the Scout and receive a report from the Scout Leader on the way in which the Scout has qualified in the requirements and the contribution he has made to his Group, and in the way he has carried out the obligations of his Scout Promise. The Scout Leader should consult the Group Council before making his report. In addition, a report on the boy’s character end conduct of his life will be required from a respobsible adult, for example parish priest, headmaster.
The Award is made by the Chief Scout on the recommendation of the Chief Commissioner.

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Acknowledgements:-As I do not know where to contact Mr Wilcott, this is from the inside cover:- Dedicated to Norman, Victor, Emmanuel, Walter, Joel and George, all efficient Patrol Leaders who have already passed many of these tests. You will have to refer to "Good Scouting", "Scout Proficiency Badges" and some scout circulars to get the details of each test. I could not usually write the whole text. I hope this booklet encourages you to start collecting examiners' signatures. Brother John Wilcott. May 1972.