fleur-tiny      EXPAT '72, 1st - 12th Sept 1972 

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We in T.H.Q., Stan O'Donnell, Hank Blowers, Chris Lennard, Ray Slater, Mike Daly (COTA) and Pat Mengel(temporary) wish all Rhodesian Scouting both uniform and Lay members a very Happy Christmas with a bright and prosperous New Year.

It is our wish that 1973 will see Scouting in Rhodesia go from strength to strength and with good-will that more men and women join our ranks as Soouterathus encouraging more boys to have fun as Cub Scouts and Scouts so they wtll always look back on their Scouting career with happiness and a sense of achievement.

Our good friend in S.A. Scouting, Vic Clapman, PRO Adviser to the Chief Scout-in-Council, has always advocated that one never-never criticizes in print the short comings of ones associates. We remember this and in a wave of enthusiasm we produced what we thought was a long felt want ,"T.E.Q.TOPICS", being news from H.Q. to all Commissioners in Rhodesia, we are therefore grateful to the Editor of 20th News for acknowledging the receipt of our first issue.

EXPAT "72"

Congratulations go to Dave Fyfe, P.S,C. Matabeleland., Gordon Caw A.P.S.C. and their team for a most successful National Scout Event 1972.

Dave reports that the whole undertaking indicated his long felt belief that "the tougher you make it - the better they Like it", so that all 52 Scouts who attended, will have memories to cherish and look back with pride on a sense of achievement. Excellent co-operation was received from the B.S.A. Police, Rhodesian Air Force and Rhodesian Army in demonstrating camouflage, bush-craft, bush survival, tracking, helicopter display and mountain rescue techniques.

Expertise from Matabeleland Scouters was freely given and a first class staff helped to plan and execute the various projects, hikes through diffioult country by day and night, as well as rock climbing, sectional surveys of river beds and many other testing activities, extended Scouts to the full.

Good press coverage was given and a special supplement was issued by "The Sunday News" on the 16th September, 1972 in Bulawayo. Of the 52 Scouts who attended EXPAT '72, 25 will be chosen to search for the legendary "White City", said to have been the inland base of Arabs trading in gold, ivory and slaves.

With this aim in view an expedition will be launched in 1973 to explore the area near the confulence of the Sabie and Lundi rivers.

We wish this expedition GOOD LUCK and GOOD CAMPING.



When the history of the sixties and seventies comes to be written the period may well be called "The Age of Communication".

Heads of State are able to talk to each other direct over a "hot line" and through the ability so to communicate, can avoid plunging civilization into another world conflict.

Yet by a strange paradox, we have not yet solved the problem of every day communication with our neighbours on planet Earth. Young people find themselves in trouble because they need to act out their problems they are unable to discuss with their parents. The Game of Scouting is designed to help train Scouts to take a useful and constructive place in society. To further this end, the Scout Leader must understand the Individual problems of each boy, must know his parents and his enviroment, must be able to draw on the resources of the Movement and of its lay supporters. True leadership demands an ability to communicate.

The Training Courses at both basic and advanced levels are designed to help Scouters in this important task.

On the administrative side, communication is equally important between Group and District, District and Provincial, and among themselves as well as with T.H.Q. It is as important for Headquarters to be aware of the feelings of the Movement as for the Movement to receive information from Headquarters.

As a world-wide brotherhood, Scooting is a communicating link between boys and young men wherever Scouting flourishes throughout the world. This, then, is the challenge to our Movement; to communicate the Ideals and aspirations of Scouting, the spirit of goodwill and understanding, to people at all levels both at home and abroad. Never was the need so great, never was the opportunity greater.


Mashonaland report 92 contacts of which 75 were Scout Jamboree stations, they were in Southern Afrioa, Mocambique, Kenya, Ceylon and Seychelles, with the usual Rhodesian link up on the Sunday morning. There were 250 Cub Scouts, Scouts and Guides camping at Ruwa Park over the weekend with 150 visitors.

Welcome visitors were Stan O'Donnell Chief Commissioner, Hank Blowers, Deputy Chief Commissioner, John Landau, P.S.C. Mashonaland and Gordon Harper, President of Province of Mashonaland.

It is hoped by now all Provinces have sent in their logs to the National Organiser, Mr. Mike Daly, P. 0. Box 669, Salisbury.


The cost of running Scout vehicles is ever increasing, and it might be possible to make some saving by insuring all vehicles with one Company. Enquiries are being made and it is requested that all Groups submit the following information to:-
Boy Scouts Association, Mashonaland.,
P.0. Box 1165,
to obtain a quotation.

Name of Group . . . . . . . . . .
Make of Vehicle...... . .. . . .
Horse Power . .. .. ... . . .... . . ..
Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If passengers carried, the maximum number
Official carrying Capacity by weight........
Present No Claim Bonus if applicable .......
When present Insurance expires ......
Cover required i.e. Third Party .....


It is important that you try to carry out all these steps:

Ensure that Scouters make personal contact with all parents sometimes during the year;
(a) by holding parents nights.
(b) by a personal visit in the home.

Ensure that parents are invited to their son's Investiture ceremony.

Devise a standard letter from the Scouter to parents when their son joins the Group.

Include some explanation of Scouting's aims and principles. Print neat standardised invitation cards for issue to parents when their sons are being invested or are to receive a Chief Scout's Award or some other important award. Issue regularly a news bulletin that will reach the boy and his parents and the Scouters and Group Committee.. Invite parents to visit the Group's Annual Camp and other Outdoor activities.

Canvass parents for ideas for parents evenings and hold these regularly.

Ensure that the Unit HQ is always a good advertisement for Scouting. It must always be neat and tidy and well kept. Arrange for a large name board to be erected outside your HQ. Set up a mailing list of all key personnel in Group, District, Division and at National level. Also include the name of every parent and laymember in your Group.

Ask the Secretary for help.

Ensure that the Group has an "I" (information) Board (size 6' x 4') and if possible that each patrol has one too (size 3ft x 3').

Ensure that your Annual General Meeting is a suocess by PLANNING EARLY.

Co-operate with the boys in your Group and help them in setting up' bulletins. etc.

BETTER SCOUTING FOR THE BOY will be the result of your carrying out all the above steps; will this happen in your Group too?

This excellent memorandum was prepared for Group Information Officers by the District information Officer, Durban North, Natal, South Africa. (with Ack to Ed No 52 Sprint 1972)


Any Cub Scout Leader who is planning a holiday in South Africa during Easter 1973 and maybe near Port Elizabeth, may like to attend the above.

As Hettie Cohn the Convener requires to know names etc. who will be attending before February 1973, please advise T.H.Q. P.O. Box 669 Salisbury at your earliest convenience.

We hear Pat Daly, Joyce Plenderleith and Surrey Wells will be going so there will be some familiar faces.


We send Greetings and Congratulations to the Girl Guides of Rhodesia on their Diamond Jubilee 1912 1972.

A very well attended and impressive service was held at the Salisbury Cathedral on Sunday, 5th November 1972, led by the Dean of Salisbury with Major Hank Blowers, Deputy Chief Commissioner of Scouts giving an excellent address.

To Mrs. Jane Weeks, Chief Commissioner her loyal band of Commissioners, Guiders, Brownies, Guides and Rangers we wish you every success for the future.

CENSUS 1972.

R.F. Slater
Headquarters Commissioner PRO

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Acknowledgements:- With thanks to "Rocky" Hudson Felgate (G.S.L. of 11th Riverside Scout Troop) - who all those years ago, thoughtfully and carefully filed these unique notes away for safe keeping.