fleur-tiny      8th Bulawayo (Hillside) MON-EX - 1969  


8th Bulawayo (Hillside) 50th Annaversary Tramp Magazine
50th Annanv.

Oki 87

8th Bulawayo (Hillside) Mulanje Expedition 86
Mulanje 86

8th Bulawayo (Hillside) Okavongo Expedition Magazine
Oki 84.

Mon-Ex 1969
MonEx 69

Expat 72
Expat 72

8th Bulawayo (Hillside) Tuli Expedition 1960
Tuli 60

Feb 86

8th Bulawayo (Hillside) Tramp Magazine 72
Tramp 72



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8th Bulawayo Hillside Scout Group
MON-EX 1969



The Matopos Hills, South of the City of Bulawayo and covering an area of some 1200 square miles, is for the Rhodesian and the Visitor, an area of untold beauties and serene peacefulness.

This was the retreat for Bushmen, who left caves decorated with their art; for the Matabele, who fought a bitter rebellion and who left their furnaces and grain bins; for Mon-Ex, an expedition undertaken by Scouts of the 8th Bulawayo Hillside Scout Group, to locate and plot these places of historical importance, to be seen and admired by all.

The camp was of 11 days duration, attracting thirty-seven Scouts, three adult leaders and a number of National Park Rangers. It was completed under varying weather conditions and at all times was up to the Scout Camping Standard. The spirit of the camp was high - everyone doing his share and extracting the maximum amount of pleasure.


P/L S.Allen (15years)
A/P/L D.Radue        (15years)
R.White (14years)

P/L I.Richie (17years)
A/P/L P.Baum (14years)
L.Keightley     (12years)

T/L C.Murphy (17years)
A/P/L B.Dunman     (14years)
M.Allen (13years)

P/L N.Theron (15years)
A/P/L N.McIlroy (14years)
W.Begemann (11years)
G.Shaw (17years)
D.Sinclair (17years)
J.R.Carlisle (15years)
Sgt. Sandisa (Nat.Parks)

G.Biffin        (11years)
S.Baum (14years)
A.Hope (14years)

R.Murphy (14years)
I.Henderson  (15years)
D.Clarke (12years)

C.Caddick (15years)
A.Barker (14years)
D.Hutchinson  (12years)

D.Armstrong  (12years)
C.Inngs (12years)
G.Moore (13years)


By: G.Shaw
Tune: Old Folks at Home.

1) Way down by the Mpopoma,
       Far, far away,
     That's where we pitched our campsite,
       On a bright Sunday.

CHORUS: Monex is a camp to remember
                  for ever more,
                 Pots, graves and raiders will remind us,
                  Of our willing chore.

2) Then back to the Mtshelele
       Where we did start,
     To find that we could do more
       More of our part.


3) Now to the lads that went along,
       Join in our song,
     For many days we'll remember,
       This happy throng.



The idea of Mon-Ex grew out of a conversation with Mr George and was formulated after a meeting between Mr Cook (Historical Monuments Commissioner), Mr George and myself.

Preperations in the way of preliminary investigations, contacts with National Parks Officials and transport arrangements, took several months. During this period contact was made with Mr Bonett into the scheme which he later so ably and willingly supported and sustained with his presence and his Land Rover.

The next phase was more intensive and exacting. The amount of support had to be guaged, rations arranged and costs estimated. The willing help and support of the Group Committee was invaluable.

Finally the party departed from the Scout Hall in Bulawayo.The first few days were trying as there was an underlying worry as to what had been forgotten, and also as to whether the members of the party would pull together or fall apart into cliques, each with its own particular grouse.

These early day worries were only made bearable by the support I received from Mr George, Mr Bonett, Troop Leader Murphy, Venture Scout Shaw, the Quartermaster and the Patrol Leaders. But for the Leadership shown by these men and "boys", the whole show would have cracked up during the period 8th/9th September, when the spirit of the party was sorely tried by external circumstances.

Those two days (and nights) forged and tempered the chain of leadership, and showed the spirit of the Scouts. After this I had no doubt of the success of what was proving to be a long and arduous expedition under all shades of weather. In addition we were able at this time to guage the support we were getting from the National Parks Officials and the Game Guards. This was far beyond my expectations and I shall always remember Sgt. Sandisa in particular as one of nature's gentlemen.

When we returned to Bulawayo I was mentally tried, for ..now like this is a strain, no matter how well it goes. ...o I will admit to sleeping with "one eye open" - a ...natural reaction to the responsibility of leadership and probably quite unnecessary.

In the final analysis I know that the success came from the leadership and dependability of those mentioned above and from the wonderful spirit of the scouts, who never refused or groaned, who infact under all circumstances smiled and worked by the letter and spirit of the Law.

I am proud to have had the good fortune to be a leader of such a group of Rhodesian Scouts.


Knowing that boys will be boys, as will a lot of middle aged men (not mentioning any names, of course) it was decided previous to Mon-EX,that a First Aid Attendant would be an advisable addition, Originally he was to have been shouldered with maintaining the camp hygiene as well, but it could be seen that this would prove too heavy a committment and another was appointed.

Considering the miscomforts of camping, the difficulties of washing when fresh water is limited, and the undesirebility of makeshift latrines, it can be said that all in all a fairly high degree of hygiene was maintained.

INTERNAL HYGIENE. It should suffice to say that there was only one complaint of what sounded like constipation; but the Epson Salts were never brought into action.

HANDS AND FEET. On the second day a warning was issued concerning the inadvisability of long toenails and finger nails. As no complaints were registered with regard to bleeding toes, it must be presumed that this was taken to heart.

There was the usual crop of blisters, sweat sores, etc, but many of those were dealt with by the individuals, many of whom soon appreciated the value of methylated spirits as a drying agent. A constant vigilance was ecercised to ensure that nobody went about without some form of headgear.

Naturally enough numerous ocassions arose in which boys had to be reprimanded for not washing before preparing dinner but after a few days the majority were washing before breakfast and "bathing" before dinner. As lunch was usually partaken of in the field, the rules were usually relaxed.

BURNS AND SCALDS. These were usually treatedon the spot by simply sucking furiously until the pain ended. Sunburn was the most serious complaint and once the friendly banter had stopped several scouts went about the day's duties with noses smothered in sunburn cream. Cracked lips were another victim of the sun.

HEADACHES. These, probably the results of sunburn or lack of sleep, were short and sharp and nobody came twice for an asprin, only about a dozen being handed out in the duration of the camp.

CUTS, SCRATCHES, BRUISES. Once hands and arms had become conditioned to the thorn scrub, there were few serious ries, although few went home completely unscathed. unters were a common occurance but only one, which had left a little too long, proved difficult to remove.

more serious injury occured when a stick pierced one t's leg to a depth of about 1/4 inch. Although it was (easi)ly removed and left a small wound, it was considered sable to advocate a tetanus jab which was carried out following day. This was just as well as shortly after- s the same person once again removed a piece of stick a tree the painful way.

S, VELDSORES, ETC. Towards the end of the camp several of the latter blosomed into maturity and application of ing ointment and adhesive plaster was necessary. It was decided that some drawing ointment should be obtained for kits, as well as larger quantities of 'elastoplast'.

SHOCK. The Scout who was frightened by the intruders at Mpopoma Dam was not in a critical state and a couple of asprins plus a good nights sleep solved the problem. However, he was destined to be in the wars again, when ..er, at Mtjellele Dam, he was sat on during a mock battle and badly winded. Once again sleep was to work wonders.

OTHER INJURIES. The night in the rain did not develop any coughs as was expected, but a few colds could be seen in the offering. One member complained of a stiff neck.

On the whole the work of the First Aid Officer was very busy. It's just a good thing he didnt catch any of our intruders or he might have had more serious business on his hands. But hygiene must take one last word. I just hope that everyone washed their hair as soon as they got home because if it was half as dirty as mine, it needed it!!!

Queen Scout Gordon Shaw.


Each person on Mon-Ex was charged £4.0.0. ($8.00). The Committee donated £30.0.0. ($60.00) for which we are very grateful. Mr Baum and R.T.V. donated £2.0.0. ($4.00) and £1.10.0. ($3.00) respectively. My sincere thanks to them. The total amount of money was £157.10.0 ($315.00) This money was kept in the Group Scout Leader's bank account.

The food was divided into bulk or non-perishables and fresh goods. These in turn were sub-divided into smaller quantities made up to last two or three days. All the bulk rations were left at G.P., so large quantities of food did not have to be carried from base camp to base camp. As the "ration parties" from town did not know where we would be, the fresh food was taken to G.P. where we picked it up and told the "ration party" out wants. The fresh goods and bulk rations (both lasting for the same time) were then taken to our campsite.

Transport was provided by the G.P. truck. Mr Bonett's Landrover, pickup and Mr Carlisle's car. Petrol for these veicles was paid for out of camp funds.

Most of the it came from our stores, although G.P. and the Army helped. Compasses were obtained from G.P., the Army and Mr George's own one was also used. G.P. also provided gum poles, rope, large dixies and dustbins. The Army lent picks, spades and jerry cans. We are grateful to Mr George for obtaining these things from the Army.

The Q.M.'s stores and the kitchen were roped off from the rest of the camp, to prevent things from disappearing and people being in the way. This did help but was not satisfactory. The stores had two tents, one for the office and one for the stores. Two Q.M.'s were needed as one must be in the stores at all times. Breakages were as follows:-
2 Army spades, 1 Army pick, a couple of lamp glasses, a few cooking utensils, and one small dustbin. This dustbin was punched with holes to provide a well at the Mpopoma camp-site.

At the beginning of the camp very little food was eaten, the bread ration was cut down. Towards the end there was never enough bread, even though the ration had been restored to its previous quantities. The lard had to be cut down by a quarter. Additional sugar and salt and jam had to be bought due to the heat.

Mr George mobilised the G.P. Tuck Shop, the proceeds of which went back to G.P. Sweets and cold drinks were always in great demand.

A running account was kept to see how much money was available. After all debts had been paid there was a surplus of £19.16.11. This was divided between the Scout Troop and the Group Committee in proportion to the money given to Mon-Ex. Thus the Group Committee received £3.17.3. while the Scout Troop received £15.8.10.

Patrol Leader JOHN CARLISLE.

A breakdown of the camp's financial position appears on page 20)


The purpose of the Expedition was to locate and plot accurately on the 1:50,000 map series, the positions of caves, shelters and other places of interest which contained Bushman paintings, stone implements or grain bins. The National Monuments Commission supplied a list of 37 sites that had been reported to them. The descriptions were vague and their locations were appproximate, using nearby kopjies as beacons.

Each day a Patrol would go out, taking a National Park's Ranger and look for one or two of the sites. They would make a sketch of the cave, collect any implements that were in the area and report back. The following day the site would be visited again; but this time its position would be accurately recorded with the aid of survey instruments. The actual plotting was done in the evenings from the data collected. Pot sherds, flakes of stone and any other interesting finds picked up from the floor of the sites were marked and recorded before being packed away.

After an appeal at the first flag break at Mpopoma to keep the camping area free of litter, there was no need to mention it again; even though a tuck shop was in operation.
Cooking for a party of thirty-two needed a large quantity and variety of kitchen utensils. An inspection of these utensils was held after the main meals to ensure that they were properly cleaned. Only twice on the camp were items turned down at an inspection and had to be recleaned. The Quarter-Master made good use of what he had and must be congratulated on the ordering, storing and issuing of the stores in such an efficient manner.
A description of the sites follows.



7TH September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 1.

SHELTER. No Name. GRID REFERENCE 420231. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

This shelter is 500 yards (NNW) from "THE MAN WHO WEARS NO IBETSHU".
The shelter has two entrances, one being from the west and the other being from the north, north east; the latter being the easiest to enter by.
North, North East entrance. On the rock on the right is a group of paintings, some of which are quite clear. The paintings depict animals, eg. impala, kudu, what could be an elephant and a ground hornbill, and also men with bows and arrows in hand. There are some line drawings and just heads of animals.

Inside left wall. Here can be found a complete painting of a kudu about two feet above ground level. On the opposite wall are two circles of lighter paint. On the floor of the shelter, pottery can be found.


7TH September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 2.

SHELTER. Cave of the Sprouting Corn (Guwa Lentyela). GRID REFERENCE 407220. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

This shelter is marked by a large rock shaped like a tin hat. Facing north are two different panels.
Right Panel. On the left side there are two distinct figures about 2ft. high with heads of only 1/2 inch in height. There are two others but they are not complete. Above and to the right are two bushmen. Below the main figures are paintings of kudu. To the far right of the panel is a small collection of small men from 1" to 1 1/2" in height (line drawings) dancing around a figure in the centre. Above this is a group of three women withtheir arms out-stretched, greeting a man with a bow and arrows.

Left Panel. (Top centre is covered by an old nest.)
To the left of nest are tall figures reaching up to a forked stick. Below the nest are five men, some waving sprears and bows while the others are crouching.
Below and to the right of the nest is a buck, (Impala darker colour). To the extreme right of the nest are two men holding each other.

Twenty paces away is another shelter with a large tree infront of it; the opening facing west. The paintings here are badly faded and have been chipped. Depicted is a large kudu bull and tall figures. to the left and behind these is another shelter. It is very low and contains a few figures with bows.

7TH September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 3.

ROCK FORMATION. The man with no Ibetshu. (Umlume U Si Na Nele). GRID REFERENCE 426230. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

This is a peculiar rock formation, with a body and a head. From one angle it looks extremely likea baboon and it is one of nature's phenomena.

9TH September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 4.

SHELTER. Zayvila. GRID REFERENCE 442228. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

This shelter faces north west and contains orange as well as red paintings. Several animals and people with hair styles are depicted.

9TH September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 4b.

ROCK. Zayvila. GRID REFERENCE 442226. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

A small and insignificent set on a small rock facing south west. (Just south of Ranger's Track). Contains what looks like a duiker and a man carrying something in the shape of a boomerang.

9TH September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 4c.

SHELTER. Zayvila Hill. GRID REFERENCE 439229. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

This shelter faces west and contains paintings of men. On the floor of the shelter are numerous stone implements and chippings as well as pottery.

9TH September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 5.

ROCK FORMATION. Gandambeze (Zebra spoor). GRID REFERENCE 458221. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

This is an interesting rock formation and can be split into two areas. The one area covers approximately 70 sq. ft. The whole rock is covered with holes, some round, others slightly eliptical and about an inch in depth. Most of the holes have a raised centre. The name, Gandambezi (Zebra Spoor) is very apt, for it looks as though a herd of zebra have passed by and left their spoor in the rock.
The second area is just a few feet away but there are no holes in the rock. There is instead, a pattern, a triangular shape with rounded corners and about 2" across. In parts this shape is raised slightly above the level of the surrounding rock. This formation is about 4 ft. wide and 15ft. in length. The pattern is not just on the surface but right through the rock.
This granite is known as "orbitular granite". Geologists are not quite sure of its formation in the molten state, but the formation today is due to weathering. The raised portions are more resistant and so is the surrounding rock (matrix). This type of granite is fairly rare; other outcrops are to be found in the Scandinavian countries.

Numerous pot sherds and stone implements are to be found in the area. The shelters explored did not contain any paintings.

10th September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 6.

SHELTER. Gubulalie (Badalazebe Hill area). GRID REFERENCE 481208. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

The shelter is in itself something unique. It has an opening of a perfect arch, being 48ft across at its base and reaching to height of about 21ft. It recedes at its base 12ft into solid granite.
In front of the shelter is a large tree and hornet's nests about on the roof.
The main paintings of the shelter are of two large giraffe painted in black, and a snake, possibly a python, with four lumps on its back. Just above the snake are 25 figures which look as if they are running. Also included are paintings of other giraffe (in red paint), kudu, sable, a lioness, wildebeast and some small buck. On the left of the shelter are numerous flakes of quartz and some beads made from ostrich egg-shell.
The paintings are well preserved.

10th September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 7.

SHELTER. Mashakombane. GRID REFERENCE 526246. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

The shelter is made up of a clump of rocks which are at the base of a small kopje near White Waters' Dam. The paintings face south east and are mostly cheetah and leopard. Some of the animals are painted up-side-down; two seem to be sitting and the rest are standing. Men are depicted in a running position and have bows and arrows.
The paintings vary in colour - some being yellow and some dark red.
W.N.W., 100ft from the shelter, is a rock with some very indistinct paintings and pot herds at its base.

12th September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 8.

GRAVE SITE. GRID REFERENCE 422246. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

This site is situated on the north side of a large rock, just off from the Warden's track. According to a National Parks Ranger the site is the grave of a very wealthy or famous man who had his belongings buried with him. This would account for the discovery of a large earthenware pot - the contents of which had been destroyed by ants, judging from the large ant nests around the base of the rock; full of daga (soil).
Above the pot were stones, placed in a square with one side left open. A similar square is to be found a few feet away to the left as one faces the rock.
The area of kopjies north of the grave is of interest, for there are numerous small caves containing flat, undressed building blocks. None, however, seem to have been put to use.

12th September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 9.

GRAIN BINS. GRID REFERENCE 420241. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

Two grain bins were discovered on a small kopje about 1200 ft S.W.S. from grave - (Mon-Ex 8) - The bins are constructed out of daga and sticks and are situated near the top of the kopje underneath an overhang. The bins are not very well hidden and are open to the weather; but are in excellent condition.
There is an opening in each of about 15 inches by 12 inches. Nothing was found in them except large amounts of animal excretion.
Near by was a large overhang but nothing was found on its surface or on the floor beneath.

12th September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 10.

GRAVE. GRID REFERENCE 407244. Map No Rhodesia : 2028C2

This grave, according to the National Parks Ranger, is not very old. It is on the perimeter of the area surrounding the Ranger's hut near Driefontein Farm. It is covered over with stones and has a "rubber hedge" planted round it. Near by are the remains of an old kraal.

13th September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 11.

SHELTER. No Name (Near Ko Pilo Gap). GRID REFERENCE 618338. Map No Rhodesia : 2028B3

This shelter is one of the better types and faces north. It has a fairly good surface for paintings and is well hidden.
The paintings are quite good and depict mainly people of the match-stick type, either hunting or fighting, with bent bows and plenty of arrows being held. There is a very good tree, possibly a boabab, with what appears to be crops growing in a land. A fire with a pot on it and a woman holding a child, makes one think it is a domestic scene.
There are two paintings of either hippo or rhino in outline form. Three kudu, three wildebeest in line with a calf, and three giraffe; but these are rather poor.
The floor shows signs of stone-age facets, slag from a furnace and pot sherds. A small bowl, in tact, was found on the site.
(this is a weak fix).

13th September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 12.

FURNACE. GRID REFERENCE 652307. Map No Rhodesia : 2028D?

This furnace is covered over with asbestos to protect it from the rain. It stands about 2ft high and is surrounded by slag which has a great deal of charcoal mixed with it
The furnace is on the edge of a fairly wide plain and is in no way hidden.

13th September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 13.

ROCK. No Name (William Ndhlovo) GRID REFERENCE 633245. Map No Rhodesia : 2028D?

The drawings are on a vertical face and are mainly at the bottom of the wall. Kudu, impala, Bushmen with drum, giraffe and two buck heads are depicted. A small cave nearby contains pot sherds.
This cave is 40ft by 9ft but does not contain any paintings.

14th September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 14.

CAVE. No Name. GRID REFERENCE 657228. Map No Rhodesia : 2028D?

This cave overlooks the Mtsheleli Dam from the west. It has a very narrow but high entrance making it a little difficult to enter. Once inside the cave it is quite spacious and contains five grain bins, one being completely sealed. Numerous pot sherds were found as well as a very large pot - (which was removed by Mon-Ex) - and two smaller pots that had been broken. At one end a tunnel led into another cave; but nothing was found there.

Matopos-Mtsheleli-dam-zimbabwe cave painting

15th September, 1969.
Mon-Ex 15.

TUNNELS. No Name. GRID REFERENCE 595352. Map No Rhodesia : 2028B3

These tunnels are to be found in Gordon Park and are like the rapids below Malemi Dam. In these tunnels pot sherds are to be found as well as grain bins. Near By - (100ft on left side) - is a small furnace. No slag can be found in the immediate area.



6th September, 1969.
The Expedition Members left from the Scout Hall for Gordon Park at 10.00hrs.
The Quartermaster stored all the bulk rations in the Leask and sorted out other equipment that was to be borrowed from Gordon Park.
At 13:00hrs a briefing session on the operation of the expedition was given. This was followed by a revision course on map and compass work with regards to the fixing of sites.

7th September, 1969.
Scouts Own was conducted by Mr Knapman at 08:30hrs. The part departed for Mpopoma Dam at 09:30hrs.
The National Parks Warden at White Waters kindly gave permission for us to camp at Mpopoma Dam without charge and to move in and out of the Game Reserve without charge. Our Guide, Sgt. Sandisa, joined us.
Camp was established at lunch time, when A.S.L. joined the party.
During the afternoon Messrs. George and Bonnett went off with Sandisa and Springbok Patrol to do a reconnaissance near Driefontein Farm. The remainder carried on with camp duties. The recconnaisance party located two sites.

8th September, 1969.
Springbok Patrol went into Goron Park to draw rations and extra equipment. The remaining tasks of setting up camp were completed when the Patrol returned. C.Caddick joined the party.
Messrs. Bonnett and Carlisle left in the Land Rover, (Mr. Bonnett's own) - to obtain a tachymeter - (a surveyor's instrument for making rapid measurements of long distances between objects) - fix on the sites located yesterday. Impala Patrol and Sandisa accompanied. The work proved very stiff. D.Radue fell and got a tick into his right knee.
Another guide who knew of some sites, was obtained by Sandise. Mr George with Panther and Buffalo Patrols, went off in the truck to do a recconnaisance.
A third party, Messrs. Shaw, had a look in the kopjes near the camp and found a grave site.
All very tired that night when plotting was done. The country is stiff and the heat intense.
At about 22:30hrs prowlers were noticed around the camp. As they seemed to be encroaching on us, the Scouts were evacuated from the sleeping area to the kitchen, while the adults and P.L.'s searched the area. All was quiet by mid-night, so the Scouts went off to sleep.

9th September, 1969.
Decided to rest in morning due to broken night. Mr Carlisle with Radue visited Kezi to see the D.C. for permission to enter Kumala T.T.L. (Tribal Trust Land - given except for Ngelele area), to get a Tetanus injection for Radue and to buy extra salt.
In the afternoon all except the Duty Patrol went in two vehicles to the sites found by Mr George's men the previous day. (This was the Quartermaster's first time out due to the absence of the Assistant Q.M.) Resections done and all sites plotted that night.
At 7:30pm Scouts R.Murphy and Biffin were attacked and pursued while visiting the P.K. by two (Europeans?) prowlers. Biffin fell with lantern and was badly shocked. Adults gave chase while P.L.s controlled the camp. The chase was not successful though close contact occurred. Scouts were moved to the kitchen again, and as evidence of prowlers remained adults guarded the camp all night in pairs in 2 hour hifts. Several chases were made but contact could not be made. The night was very cold.

10th September, 1969.
Biffin slept well and went on duty with his patrol at 6am. A very plucky Scout as he is very young.
Mr George went out with whole party on reconnaisance for three sites while Mr Bonett took ration party - (Impala Patrol and Q.M.) - to G.P. (Gordon Park). Barker joined expedition.
All back in camp for lunch, last night's incidents reported to Maleme Warden and to Matopos Police by Mr Bonett, Mr Knapman and parents not told on Mr Carlisle's instruction.
After lunch we all went off through the Game Reserve to find and fix the White Waters site.
That night the camp was guarded by game guards with dogs.

11th September, 1969.
The morning was spent in striking camp and moving to Mtshelele Dam. Mr Carlisle called on the warden at Maleme and gave him a tracing of the work done to date. The Warden at the Matobo Station arranged for an additional guide for the new area.
Messrs. Shaw and two Scouts remained at Mpopomo to try and fix two sites thathad been located later the previous day.
At the new camp the National Park Warden waved all camping charges and let us use the newly completed shower block. This guesture was very much appreciated.
Plotting of the sites fixed by a party proved unsuccessful owing to inaccuracies. Scouts settled into camp very well. A very comfortable and pleasant site.

12th September, 1969.
Mr Bonett leaves with duty patrol to pick up rations at G.P. and also the second guide.
Mr George took large party and Sandisa to try and locate cave near Ke Pilo gap. No fix was obtained.
Messrs. Carlisle and two others return to Mpopoma area to try and get a better fix on grave and bin sites.
All back in camp by 3pm when Mr George left for town to return the next day.
Influx of trippers noted due to long weekend. Decided to put out camp guards for the night. A most exciting game of football was played in the dark before lights out.

13th September, 1969.
All went quiet by 2am so the guard was stood down.
Messrs. Carlisle and Bonett left after breakfast with yesterday's duty patrol to fix the Ko Pilo Gap cave. Remainder waited in camp for Mr George who was delayed.
The Ko Pilo party returned at about lunch time followed by Mr George.
After lunch all the scouts went to the Toghwana Dam area to site a fix on a cave and furnace. Cave not located.
Weather on the change, cold and rain in the offing.

14th September, 1969.
A very wet night - few got any real sleep after midnight - due to steady rain. Morning spent drying out kit between showers.
Scouts Own taken by Mr George at 10:00am
Grass bivies built for protection against the rain. Later Mr George organised a wide game which kept the boys active and warm till lunch.
Messrs. Shaw visited and fixed one cave; report rocks dangerous due to being wet.

15th September, 1969.
After a very wet night decided to return a day early as weather most unpleasant and field work dangerous.
Reached G.P. for lunch after Mr Carlisle had dropped Sandisa and reported to Warden at Maleme.
Cleaned and sorted out kit during the afternoon and made ready for campfire finale.

16th September, 1969.
The camp fire passed off fairly well, but a bit too long. A touch of sadness that the camp was drawing to a close. Reached hall at 11:30am.


8 Aug 69 Money from Scouts 20 0 0
8 Aug 69 Donation from Mr Baum 2 0 0
15 Aug 69 Money from Scouts 36 0 0
22 Aug 69 Money from Scouts 68 0 0
25 Aug 69 First Aid 1 0 0
25 Aug 69 Q.M.Stores 2 0 0
27 Aug 69 Maps 3 3 0
28 Aug 69 Bulk Rations 39 1 0
29 Aug 69 Donation from Group Committee 30 0 0
29 Aug 69 Charge from First Aid . 8 5
29 Aug 69 Paid to Mr Grey for:-
29 Aug 69 Ration Purchase List No. 2 11 4 7
29 Aug 69 Ration Purchase List No. 310 6 10
29 Aug 69 Ration Purchase List No. 4 7 3 10
29 Aug 69 Ration Purchase List No. 513 4 6
29 Aug 69 Adjustment for meat included above 12 19 4
30 Aug 69 Adjustment for payment to Mr Grey     . 10 0
1 Sep 69 Maps 2 2 0
2 Sep 69 Petrol 4 0 0
3 Sep 69 Adjustment for bulk rations . 7 6
3 Sep 69 Sundry Stores . 17 0
5 Sep 69 Petrol 9 3 11
6 Sep 69 Ration purchase list No 1 11 10 3
8 Sep 69 Petrol 2 10 0
9 Sep 69 Stores . 5 0
10 Sep 69 Petrol 4 13 10
22 Sep 69 Petrol 6 17 11
27 Sep 69 Sundry Credit 2 10 0
27 Sep 69 Butcher 14 0 6
27 Sep 69 Stores . 2 0
15 Oct 69 Ration list surplus 18 6 1
15 Oct 69 Donation from R.T.V. 1 10 0
----------- ------------
154 16 11174 13 10
154 16 11
Credit balance £19 16 11

Mon-Ex monex-scouts thankyou

The National Monuments Commission:
Mr C. K. Cooke and Mr E. T Hepburn

National Parks and Wild Life:
Matopos National Park warden, Mr B. Reese
The Rangers at Maleme and Whitewaters, Mr Koen and Mr Osbourne.
Senior game guard/guide, Sgt. Sandisa.

Gordon Park (Boy Scout Association)
Mr J. Knapman and Mr M. George.

8th Bulawayo (Hillside) Scout Group:
Parents Committee
Parents of Scouts who attended.
Scout Leader and Scouts.

Mr P. Bonett
Rhodesian Army.

11/1/2007 - and its with thanks to Wade Begemann who kindly scanned and sent in this Logbook - that we are all able to share their experiences and knowledge about these hidden caves in the Matopos.